Makeup, hair, nails- oh my!

Hello long lost bloggers!

Sorry it’s taken me this long to put up a post, but it has been crazy lately. With my new job, boyfriend, friends, and only 24 hours in a day, my life has gone from 0 to 60.

So back to where I work- we have product trainings probably once every couple months and I thought maybe I could interest y’all in some firsthand experience and information about a few things.

Here are a few brands I’ll be discussing in the future:
Too Faced
Jane Iredale
Bond No. 9
Moroccan Oil

To name a few…

So I’ll go ahead and put up my first one tomorrow! Hopefully I’ll be able to do this once a month.

Until then…



When life cooperates…errr…mostly

Events. Relationships. Jobs. Money.

It’s so nice when all of that works out, but does it ever all work out at once? Not hardly. Not in my life at least, but 3 out of 4 ain’t bad, eh?

In order to be happy with my life, I’ve learned to be thankful. That’s insanely hard to do honestly. So I try. I try to think of what all I have in my life that’s good. As I list the things, it becomes apparent that I have way more to be happy about than I originally thought.

So on the days where I’m just depressed because my life and possessions aren’t the same as more wealthier people around me, I just stop and remind myself that there’s tons of people who are less fortunate than me.

Tons. In this country. In other countries. TONS. It’s like complaining about the internet on my iPhone not being fast enough. There’s millions of people around the world who don’t even have food or shelter let alone cell phones. That’s just a small example of course, but you get the jest of it.

My boyfriend has helped me realize there’s a lot to be thankful about. His life hasn’t been nearly as complicated and crazy as mine in the past, so he’s just naturally (9 times out of 10) a more cheerful person. Well, except when something doesn’t go his way exactly then he tends to understand why I’m pissy, but still. He reminds me of what I DO have when I’m down.

It’s wonderful and pretty much mandatory to surround yourself with positive people in order to live a healthier life. Being negative is so bad for you. I know, obviously, one cannot be happy and cheerful 24/7 but at least we can try.

My new job is putting me to the test. I work at a high end spa here and deal with very wealthy people of all kinds and even celebrities sometimes (whom I can’t mention so don’t even get your hopes up). Sounds fun? Only 75% of the time because those types of people can sometimes be pretty damn rude and ungrateful, but that’s their problem. Not mine. I just have to keep a smile plastered to my face and help them to the best of my ability and not focus on their new Prada purse or Rolex watch or whatever the case may be.

I don’t work as a massage therapist by the way. Long story short- it’s not for me. Maybe one day, but not right now.

I’ll tell you about that some other time.

So there ya have it. I’ve been stressed lately because of car issues and job issues and as always, money issues, but I believe eventually it’ll work out. It has for me in the end anyways.

Just keep trying and stay focused on the things that really matter in life. You have to enjoy life because this is the only one (if you don’t believe in reincarnation) you get!


Online Dating- foe or friend?


Online dating has become more than just a myth. It has become a reality.

I’ve tried it a couple times just for the hell of it. Every time I get on there I have these things happen:

A) weird, creepy, unattractive guys always find me.

B) when I do go out on a limb and message a guy first, I get either no reply- even though their profile lists how they are so nice and love conversation OR “no thanks”. As if my attempt to just talk to them was too much.

C) when I meet guys in person, I see the reason they are on there. Not because they are unattractive, but because they are either awkward or only want sex. Lots of sex.

So basically dating websites are where cowardly, “shy” fellas can attempt to get laid as they call it without the face to face interaction and possible rejection.

I’ve been approached with messages from guys (who don’t exactly look like Josh Brolin) saying unoriginal and grotesque things like “Would you like to go on a date with me? I’ll give you the D later.” Really? How could I possibly turn down that offer?

So I’ve made my conclusion about online dating websites- don’t do it unless you’re ready to: get approached inappropriately, only want unsatisfying sexual encounters from guys who only brag about their “attributes” ONLINE, or really don’t give a shit what people think about you. If you’re semi sensitive like me, it’ll just hurt your feelings when messages and such from handsome men don’t flood your inbox.

There ya have it.

And if you do happen to meet anyone at all online- I don’t care if they say they’re a virgin preacher who lives with his parents- take someone with you and go somewhere incredibly PUBLIC. That’s all I ask. There’s been recent cases where rapists have made appearances on these websites.

That crazy tattoo lady


Random thought- I have decided I will most likely (about 98% sure) be one of those crazy pet owner/lovers that gets a portrait of their beloved pet(s) tattooed on their body somewhere when the time is right a.k.a. when I have a sufficient amount of extra money. Yep. That’ll be me. I may even get a picture of my favorite animal too. Whenever I decide what animal that is.

Money grows on trees


Money, money, money. That’s all people think about.

We have our jobs we go to every day. We use said money from those jobs to pay bills and buy things we want and need. Then we go back to work to make more and do it all over again.

Lack of money and even an over abundance of it can stress you out very easily. So being poor or rich won’t change it completely.

In today’s society, money often equals power. I hate that.

I’m one of those that doesn’t have a lot of money. I work my ass off at my job, but I make a little over minimum wage and because I have to live, I have bills. And we all know how quickly those can add up.

I guess what this rant is all about is that I wish money wasn’t so important. I wish I lived somewhere that didn’t revolve around it. Where I could only go to work to help people or spend time with friends or when I got bored- not because I had to. Not because my food, lights, water, line of communication, house, vehicle, and so on would get taken away if I didn’t pay money.

Even when you go on vacations- they cost lots of money. Which in turn equals stress- if not while on vacation, at a later date.

It’s sad. Look back through history- money has caused so much pain, anguish, hatred, greed, jealousy- all of which have turned our world into a dangerous and evil place. If money is involved, trust will be broken at some point or another.

I know money was created as a bargaining system back in the day, but geez. It’s definitely taken advantage of now.

Money makes people change because we allow it to have power over us.

Think about it…

“Since you’ve been gone…”


I learn new things every single day. Some I feel I should already know, some I’m glad to have learned before it’s too late.

1) keep your mouth shut when someone is rude to you- like the cashier at Walmart or wherever. Trust me, it’s not worth it.

2) letting things go- like ex boyfriends and mistakes you’ve made in the past. It only hinders your growth through life.

3) tell others how you feel- not in a rude way, but just informative if the situation calls for it– like at work or in friendships.

4) paint by numbers’ take a lot of patience- especially the ones that make you blend colors together over and over again.

5) never lose hope- like with career goals or school goals. I’m almost licensed and have been basically offered a job so I’m stoked. I almost lost hope. Glad I didn’t.

I feel the older I get the wiser I am getting. THANK THE LORD!

Well I’m going to continue watching Twister. Good night fellow bloggers and happy Friday!


The New Years resolution


I know there have probably been thousands of New Years resolution posts, but I feel that if I actually write it down it may come true.

This is a realistic one that doesn’t involve weight loss and all the typical topics that people seem to fail at. For the most part.

Okay, here goes-

I’m going to start putting myself out there. I’m a pretty shy individual when it comes to meeting new people. Especially men. I’m tired of sitting with my awesome friends who are either in great relationships or have guys/girls flocking to them because they just don’t hide their crazy cool personalities. I realized that I will be alone for longer than I like if I don’t change this in some way.

So cheers to this. I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Years and that it was full of family, friends, food, and love.

Happy 2014 everyone! 🙂



It’s only 7:06pm. I’ve been thinking.

A) I hardly ever go out with friends or anyone. I’d rather go home.

B) I can’t remember the last time I stayed up past 10pm. Let alone pulled an all-nighter.

C) I enjoy being single. Mostly.

D) I love all the homemade things my mom makes me. Including but not limited to oven mitts, potato cooker bags, and mug rugs.

E) Half the stuff my younger friends say make me want to say, “really?”

F) I don’t hardly ever drink. And when I do- I usually don’t like it.

Maybe I partied too much from the age of 17-21.

Who knows.